Gesher is a twice Ofsted Outstanding Independent Jewish all-through Special School that offers children who are differently able and learn differently an exemplary and tailored education. Gesher ensures that each child’s needs are met through a whole and multi-therapeutic team approach, with well-being and emotional health at the core. Gesher gives children the confidence and resilience to maximise their potential and flourish to the highest of their abilities.

The school aims to work closely with families and Local Authorities to support the needs of each individual child. Gesher provides facilities for the research into understanding an array of special educational needs in primary and secondary-aged children and young people and, as such, methods of assessing, advising and providing education for them.

Gesher Vision

Alongside pupil well-being and emotional health at the core of our vision, we aim to Engage, Educate and Empower each of our pupils. Gesher strives to build on their strengths, giving them access and opportunities to be valued and valuable members of the Jewish Community and society.

Gesher Ethos

Gesher’s ethos fosters a culture of respect, kindness and understanding. Our philosophy is based on four key propositions:

  • The importance of relationships in the education of young people
  • The importance of a holistic approach to the education of young people
  • The importance of building resilience in young people
  • The importance of responding to each young person’s needs and aspirations

Gesher Jewish Values

‘Ve’ahavta Lareach Ha’Kamocha’, which translates to Love Thy Neighbour Like Yourself, is the Jewish Value that underpins all aspects of religious and secular learning at Gesher. The idea of treating others with the same level of respect, tolerance, love and kindness we would want to be shown to us lies at the heart of the school’s philosophy and translates to a wide range of teaching methods undertaken by the staff at Gesher.

Whilst the children learn under the school’s adapted curriculum, they also learn through exploring Jewish culture via celebrations, social action and play. We believe it is through exploration and play that the students learn to embrace the warmth and true essence of the Jewish religion. Through these outlets, we can instil an understanding and love of Judaism in the context of our immediate surroundings and the broader global community.

Whilst Gesher is a Jewish faith school and follows the principles underpinning Modern Orthodox Judaism, we welcome children from Jewish and non-Jewish backgrounds to apply. As such, whilst we aim to cultivate a love for G-d and Torah, we also emphasise ensuring all students are taught to honour British Values and celebrate the diversity of different races and religions.

Gesher promotes a culture of inclusivity and understanding, and ensures that the students cultivate a mutual respect for the monarchy, British history and the civil establishments that underpin our society.


Inspired by our core Jewish values we have created our REACH goals. Through these, students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own actions. The name itself is also aspirational and embodies the high expectations that we have for all our pupils.

Equality Objectives

At Gesher School, we are firmly dedicated to ensuring equal opportunities for all individuals involved with the school. With this in mind, we have established the following objectives as part of our Equality and Diversity Policy: 

  • To improve outcomes for all students, including those with protected characteristics, so that they progress at least in line with expectations based on their prior attainment and ability. 
  • To enable all students, including those in groups with protected characteristics, to positively contribute to school life.  
  • To promote mental health and well-being so that all school community members are valued and supported, regardless of special educational needs and any other protected characteristics.  
  • To progress through the Stonewall levels from Bronze through to Gold so that we continue to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for our LGBTQ+ students and be equipped to support individual students.   
  • To develop processes around all transition points for all students, including those in groups with protected characteristics, to ensure that appropriate advice, guidance and support are in place to ensure a successful transition to the next steps (i.e. moving between primary and secondary education phases).
  • To promote equal working conditions for all staff regardless of disability, race, ethnicity, sex, religion, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation or gender reassignment.
  • To ensure clear and positive discussion and representation of different races and faiths across the school. 
  • To ensure all female students and staff members feel safe and empowered and that allies of other genders can be advocates for women’s rights. 
  • To ensure our school community is educated and empowered to challenge stereotypes.